Still excited over my celebrity-sighting (I know, I’m a New Yorker, we’re supposed to keep it cool) we headed to DBGB. Can we say the best-burger-I’ve-had-in-a-restaurant-on-the-East-Coast-ever? I’m only saying that to cover my bases since Shake Shack and In-n-Out are technically fast-food joints, and Father’s Office is all the way over in LaLa Land.
Topped off our meal with a coffee-caramel sundae. I’m pretty sure this replaces Momofuku Ssam Bar as my boyfriend’s new favorite restaurant. Sorry David Chang!
The New York Times also just published a review today.
***DBGB Kitchen & Bar: 299 Bowery St. New York, NY 10003 nr. 1st St.
These burgers look amazing. I'm definitely going to check out DBGB now. Thanks for the recommendations!